Somatheta Healing Hands
Somatheta Healing Hands is a holistic process whereby the healer connects to “Divine Intelligence” and radiates ‘Unconditional Love’ from the heart and through the hands to promote personal and spiritual transformation. It can facilitate change at all four levels of being: Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual.
Somatheta Healing Hands (STHH) is based on the Reiki system of healing. Healers know how to connect to and help facilitate healing in the client through Centering, Grounding, Being totally present, and Setting the right intention and Proper touch:
Healing is offered with an intention that "healing should be accessible to all who desire to make an attempt towards it". Coming into the session with an attitude and intention of wanting positive change and being ready for positive change is also important.
Healers must know how to access the ability to ‘Put Power Here’ or ‘Increase The Power’. Masters call it the "on" switch. Some masters translate it as Focus. It increases the power and flow of healing energy into a specific spot. It creates a flow so that the life force energy from the Source (God) can come into the person, place, or thing for instant healing.
Healers must know how to establish ‘Balance of The Heart and The Mind’. As a metaphysian, I belief that everything has a root in each level of the Whole. So there is activation for transformation of the physical, the emotional and mental, the karmic, and spiritual. This is about balancing the sacred yin and sacred yang at the core of the issue. It can be used to balance your imbalances with giving and receiving, surrendering of control issues in order to create your personal reality of heaven on earth.
Because STHH helps us to become more balanced it is a skillful, gentle and loving tool to use in transforming the wounds of “historical intergenerational traumas” and other issues as well. This level is the one that allows the healer to go across time and space, across all levels and dimensions, by connecting with Divine Intelligence. This plane allows distant attunements to be done by connecting two energies that are "separated under the illusion of space space and time" and lifting that veil. So the healer becomes the means by which Divine Intelligence transmit the healing energy to the first point in time where some karmic action was taking place and to heal that action and dissolve the karma. This allows the healer to merge with Divine Mind, which is a conscious life force that knows where it needs to go, to spread out into all the dimensions to dissolve the spiritual roots of what has been manifesting.
By using ‘Unlimited Supply of Beaming White Light’, "Big Shining Sun Light", this point of intensity connects the practitioner to specific healing guides, angels, evolved ancestors, ascended masters, and celestial beings. It brings in the Higher Self and Soul to collaborate with Divine Intelligence and do the healing work.
Somatheta Healing Hands Can Help with:
•Feeling Unloved
•Feeling Depressed