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The Benefits of Meditation

Meditation is an art that has been around since the dawn of the age of man. This is not a statement to be brushed over. After all, many, many things about mankind have changed over time, but the profound art of meditation is something we have clung on to dearly. This is because there is no substitute for meditation. Nothing else, single handedly, bestows the many wonderful blessings that meditation brings… in fact nothing else even comes close. Below are the top 10 benefits that meditation brings and hopefully they will inspire everyone to learn and practice this timeless and essential ability.

The mind of one who meditates is like the easy, leisurely flow of a river, as compared to the ordinary mind, which is like a raging waterfall. In other words, when your mind is at peace and deeply silent, so too are you at peace.

Meditation opens up the channels of communication between all levels of your being; physical, mental, and spiritual. What this means is that you have access now to the guidance that is coming directly from your Divine Self. This link gives rise to the infinite flow of intuition and wisdom.
Meditation strips away the layers of false identity and external influences that mask your True Self from shining through. Once you eliminate these false egos and stop catering to their interference you can exist in your True Nature. This brings forth joy and happiness as it allows you to be at ease with life, existence and yourself.

All serious practitioners of meditation know how much their brain functions have been enhanced by meditation. Every day, empirical studies are indicating this link. Meditation will, without a doubt, increase your awareness and will significantly increase your intelligence.

These parts are not extensions of the natural condition, but are actually innate capabilities we all have. This will give you insight into who you really are and what you really love in life. That is the secret of mastering the art of living and discovering your natural talents, gifts, and true purpose. That which you love, you do for its own sake without the need for reward or accolades. Once this is discovered, life can be lived with passion, zeal, and self-determination.

The one ultimate purpose of meditation is enlightenment. To help you discover the True Nature of Reality – the non-duality of oneness. To make you realize that your True Self is Divine and One with God.

Take your time and practice meditation today so that you can start feeling better as soon as possible. You will find that this will be a life changing experience for you if you make the most out of it. You will be a much more positive person, with improved confidence, heightened levels of awareness, and you will observe enhanced brain function, there is no doubt about that. Meditation will undoubtedly increase your awareness and will significantly increase your intelligence.
