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The Next Step
If I can't fit you into my coaching practice, I can refer you to another highly regarded coach that I've worked with. When my practice is full, I may not be able to offer you an Introductory Coaching Session.

Getting Started

Ok, so you're thinking coaching can truly impact your life. What's the next step?

Before officially beginning the "Coaching Relationship" with you, I like to spend about 60 minutes to give YOU an experience of coaching. There's no greater way to understand what coaching is all about than "experiencing it". It's also a great opportunity for BOTH of us to get a "feel" for each other. One of the keys to coaching is chemistry. If we aren't a "fit", I can refer you to other coaches that I highly recommend. In a great coaching relationship you will feel safe to share openly and authentically, empowered to reach your goals, and challenged to go beyond your best. Coaching relationships develop over time, however it begins with chemistry. Use your intuition to guide you in this life-altering decision. I offer the Introductory Coaching Session at a reduced rate of $100. 

When we've decided to "get started," I send out a Coaching Foundation Packet. This packet includes an assortment of useful, thought provoking and stimulating forms, assessments and programs that will get your juices flowing. Spending time with these beloved forms is instrumental in building the foundation of our coaching relationship - and in GETTING CLEAR about WHAT YOU WANT. You'll receive the "The Clean Sweep ProgramTM" , designed to give you complete personal freedom (upon completion) - by "cleaning up", restoring, and polishing virtually every aspect of your life. I tailor the additional programs to each client's particular needs. You'll also receive "How to Maximize Your Coaching Experience" and other administrative stuff. My clients tell me that in simply putting a concentrated effort into these materials, they've experienced ENORMOUS value. Of course, this is ONLY the beginning.

Our First Session -- "The Intake"
After an Introductory Session, our first session together is the "Intake," which typically takes 2 hours. We'll review all the forms you've pondered and labored over. We'll both get "crystal clear" about where you are, and where you want to be. We look at each area of your life, your values, your vision, habits, what's working for you and what's not. We discuss strategies, timelines, and what you most want to initially FOCUS on. We "design our alliance" to meet your individual needs. If we both live in the same geographic area, I like to do this session in person because it's more personal (and fun). If you find yourself in the Midwest or East Coast, don't worry!!! I have conducted numerous Intake Sessions via phone - and it is very effective and just as powerful (although bathroom breaks are sometimes needed). My clients and I thoroughly LOVE this session. While it's designed as more of a "discovery session" , coaching begins here, and clients often leave the session with commitments and action steps to further their lives.  This session is $650.

90 Days of Coaching
I request a minimum of 90 days with each of client I work with. The reason for this is simple. Coaching happens over time. While much is accomplished in a single session, the element of time allows you to integrate new habits, realize goals and fully implement plans. 90 days also allows the "coaching relationship" to process though the ebbs and flows of your life. And for most clients, the first set of goals and objectives are just the beginning in creating and realizing their Ideal Life.

After the initial 90 days, clients go on a month-to-month basis. It's not unusual for a client to work with me for over a year. Growth is a never-ending process.

Weekly Coaching Sessions
Each week you'll call me at our specified time on the phone to discuss where you are, where you want to BE, and what you want to DO. We'll tackle problems, present moment issues and long-term resolutions. We'll focus on forwarding the action to progress in the direction of your goals and dreams. We'll deepen the learning from your experiences in becoming more and creating more.

Monthly Coaching Fees

  • $700 per month - for two 60 minute sessions.
  • $1000 per month - for three 60 minute sessions.

I also support my clients during the week via email.

I don't always have room in my coaching practice. If I can't fit you into my coaching practice, I can refer you to another highly regarded coach that I've worked with.

Click here to schedule a Introductory Coaching Session

I look forward to working with YOU! 
Somatheta Therapy (Phone sessions Available)